სალვადორ დალის ილუსტრირებული - ღვთაებრივი კომედია

სალვადორ დალის ილუსტრაციები დანტე ალიგიერის პოემისთვის - „ღვთაებრივი კომედია“. 101 ილუსტრაცია სალვადორ დალიმ 1951-1960-იან წლებში შექმნა.

 The Delightful Mount 
The reign of the penitents
The guiding Angel
 The Angel of the First Heaven 
The Neglectful
 Piccarda Donati 
 News of the Lower Depths of Hell
 The powers of Soul 
Beatrice resolves Dante's doubts
Virgil's admonishment
 In the heaven of Mercury 
The Neglectful meets 
Church and Empire 
The Avaricious and the Prodigal
The Law of climbing
Dante in doubt
The Irascible
The guardians of the valley of the Princes
The Ascent to Venus
 The Furies
 The Eagle of Grace
 The bishop cum troubadour
Our Lady of the Annunciation
The Song of the wise Spirits
 In dark limbo
The proud One
The dust of Souls
The Minotaur
Ecstatic visions
The apparition of Dante's great-great-grandfather
The wood and the Suicide
The Second Cornice
Original Perfection 
 The Blasphemers
The blind for envy
The Cross of Mars
The Seducers
The Angel of Mercy
Cacciaguida's history lesson
 In the hands of Antaeus
The smoke of Irascibility
The Two Circles of Spirits
On Geryon's back
Cacciaguida sees Dante's exile in God
The Flatterer
The Slothful
 Beatrice comforts the Poet
The Sodomites
The siren of the Dream
In the Heaven of Jupiter
The Black Cherub 
 The Avaricious
The Constellation of blessed Spirits
The Golden Age
 The celestial staircase
 The Corrupt
Divine impenetrability
Ugolino and Ruggieri
The Garden of Christ
The Punishment of Vanni Fucci
The Tree of Punishment 
The Joy of the blessed
The Centaur
 The Lustful 
The apparition of St. James
The Simoniac
The two crowds of the Lustful
The Apotheosis of the Virgin Mary
 The Logician Devil
Virgil's last words
The Angels of the Empyrean
Bertram dal Bornio
The Divine Forest
St. Peter and Dante
Dante and Beatrice
Arrivalat the Empyrean
Gianni Schicchi's bite
Dante's repentance
The infinite Beauty of Beatrice
The prophecy of Vanni Fucci
Dante re-awakes
The loyal Angels
 The traitor of Montaperti 
Towards the Tree of Law
 The Archangel Gabriel
Dante Purified
St. Bernard's prayer to the Virgin
The Waterfall of the Phlegethon

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