ფრანსისკო გოია - კაპრიზები

”კაპრიზები” (1799) - ფრანსისკო გოიას 80 სატირული ოფორტი - ესპანეთის პოლიტიკურ, სოციალურ და რელიგიურ წესწყობილებაზე.

ყველაზე ცნობილი მათგანი - ”გონის თვლემა შობს ურჩხულებს”.

ნამუშევრები დესენგანოს ქუჩაზე, პარფიუმერიის მაღაზიაში, 320 რიალად იყიდებოდა.

                                                          Francisco Goya y Lucientes, Painter
They say 'I will' and their hand give to the first comer
Here comes the bogey-man
Nanny's boy
Two of a kind
Nobody knows anybody
Even so he cannot make her out
They carried her off
Love and death
Lads getting on with the job
Out hunting for teeth
They are warm
What a sacrifice!
Fine advice
Should God forgive her: She was her mother ...
She is well pulled down
And his house is on fire
All will fall

They already go plucked
How they break her barrel!
Poor little women!
This dust
There was no help
He broke the pitcher
Now they are sitting well
Who is more overcome?
This certainly is reading
Why hide them?
She prays for her
Because she was sensitive
To the Count Palatine
Sleep overcomes them
She leaves him penniless
Bad night
Will the student be wiser?
As far back as his grandfather
Which ill will he die of?
Neither more nor less
Thou who canst not
გონის თვლემა შობს ურჩხულებს
They spin finely
There is a lot to suck
Present to the master
Little goblins
The chinchillas
They spruce themselves up
What a tailor can do!
What a golden beak!
The shy man
Till death
Rising and falling
The lineage
Swallow it, dog!
And they still won't go
They have flown
Who could believe it!
Look how serious they are!
Whe is mother going?
There it goes
Wait till you have been anointed
Pretty teacher
Devout profession
 If the day breaks, we go
You won't escape
It is better to be idle
Don't scream, silly!
Is there no one to unite us?
Are you ..? Well, as I was telling you . Eh! Be careful or ...
One to anothers
Let us go, they are waking
Nobody has seen us
It is time

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